Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Day 4

What is the key to cycling long distances in when you are no “spring chicken”......the answer: Ibuprofen. It seems we have added Ibuprofen to our daily diet of energy drink, bananas and performance gels. In fact there are times when Ibuprofen just won’t do the job and the team is baying for Volterol (a grown up painkiller). If any of these were addictive, and I am sure they are not, we would not need to worry as the Pavlovian association between taking the pills and the general level of discomfort that we have all now reached would be too much to bare. David, Ric and I are all walking wounded. We are specifying ground floor rooms as walking up stairs is just too much of a trial at the moment and to watch us all walk looks like a Monty Python sketch. I can leave you to make your own judgments about the state of our bums but there is no amount of lycra or cream that can ease the pain.

Despite the growing physical discomfort of another 130 mile day moral is still high amongst the troops. We enjoyed another day of stunning views and breathtaking scenery. The weather has been almost perfect and we have enjoyed some hours of following wind. The bikes have all held together better than we have and the accommodation has worked well. It was another 9 hour day and amazingly the time does not drag.

We cycle through the Lake District toward Manchester tomorrow and it is a slightly shorter distance tomorrow and although we are planning an 06.00hrs start we are all looking forward to the day.......sort of.

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