Monday, 21 June 2010

Day 9 The Finish

After 1050 miles and 80 hours of pedalling over 9 days we crossed the finishing line in Landsend at around 3.15pm yesterday afternoon. It was a brilliant moment. The sun was blazing, there was a big crowd and a huge cheer as we crossed the line. Sheridan, my wife and kids, Charlie and Daisy, were in the welcoming committee and we received our medal and had our photos taken. We had a shandy and a pasty on the grass bank and cheered the other cyclists over the line for the next few hours. There was a great party atmosphere and all of the finishers were elated. One of the great things about cycling is that it does not seem to damage your body in the way that other sports can do. I remember hobbling away from the London Marathon with legs that would hardly move for a day or two. After 9 days of cycling I feel physically good. Both of my knees seemed to sort themselves out although they did ache throughout the ride and needed frequent doses of ibuprofen.

Would I do it again....? Well, now is not the time to ask. I would certainly do another long distance cycling event and I would certainly do it with David and Ric who have been great fun through all of our ups and downs.

Finally a few folks to thank (sorry of it sounds like an Oscar speech....).

Thanks to all of you that supported the Dreamflight fundraising, thanks to Sheridan who organised all the accommodation and has been a unfailing supporter of the cause, it was her idea in the first place. Thanks to my cycling buddy Sean who dragged me around Bucks in the deep dark days of winter. Thanks to Mark who flew us up to Scotland – what a great way to start. Thanks to Jason who drove the support vehicle and was able to do the heavy lifting when we were walking wounded. And thanks to all of the blog followers for your moral support.



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