Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Swaying Palm Trees

Swaying Palm Trees etc

This just shows that not all cycling has to be done in the pouring rain with a freezing cold headwind. This is a snap of Mountain Biking biking in Tarifa last week and I like to look at it as I contemplate the hostile northern coast of Scotland. There is an argument to say that northern Scotland is an ideal place NOT to cycle. The weather is moody, there is a high risk of rain and the inevitable headwind. There are no long flat roads in that part of the Highlands (the clue is in the name) and if that’s not enough then there are the mutant mosquitoes – the only known thing to fly in a volcanic ash cloud.

Maybe it will be sunny and warm as we glide through the Peak District (the clue is in the name) or through the Malvern Hills. We can but hope.

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